АО «Апатит» (г. Кировск, Мурманская обл.), группа компаний «ФосАгро»
Проектирование и поставка оборудования:
с 2014 по 2016 год был проведен монтаж сушильных барабанов №7 и №8, поставлены оборудование для мельниц МШР-4,5х5,0, питатели для разгрузки кека с ленточных вакуум-фильтров и подачи в сушильные барабаны секции сушки №7 и №8
Проведен и пуско-наладочные работы строительных металлоконструкций, магистральных ленточных конвейеров, узлов пересыпки, приемных бункеров с площадками обслуживания и приемными решетками.
Транспортируемый продукт:
фосфорные удобрения
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Equipment for warehouses capable of operating in difficult aggressive conditions, technical solutions for the organization of transportation and storage of chemical production materials. Already working, solving customers' problems. Such references will be presented at the exhibition KHIMIA-2022 by the leader of the Russian mechanical engineering in the field of bulk materials transportation - SIA Akonit.
In autumn, the company's specialists will take part in specialized exhibitions and forums: Mining Metals in Almaty, Khimiya in Moscow, Equipment and Technologies for Port and Cargo Terminals and TRANSTEC in St. Petersburg. Specialists will talk about technical solutions and equipment, implemented projects, import substitution experience, development of own production in Russia.
Welcome to our booths!
Welcome to our booths!
The Department of Construction and Installation Works has received additional permits and technical qualification documents allowing to perform welding and installation works for installation of technological equipment at industrial facilities.
Useful materials
Similar projects

Performance improvement of the phosphorous fertilizer plant

Technical upgrade: installation of the crushing and hauling equipment of the inclined conveyor shaft

Delivery of conveyors for the bedding yard of fine-crushed ore of the crushing plant